Removed: TVRage app-wide Added: Method auto-fixing shows with tvrage ids to tvdb ids Change: Move gui to a views based layout using inheritance Added: nzbToMedia scripts in a git submodule, under the contrib folder Changed: Start moving logic of webserve and webapi to shared classes Change: Multiple changes to image loading in the webUI Change: Use .get in webUI instead of a refresh/reload Broken: Network Icons Added: Total show size column Added: Developer info to footer Fixed: Twitter DM Fixed: Remove unused imports Fixed: libnotify (linux desktop notifications) Fixed: PP not moving subtitles Fixed: Boxcar test notification Removed: SNI checking in - didn't work Removed: freeze_support (used for compiling exe's) Fixed: Save selection of pushover sound Fixed: NextGen support for searching with non ascii chars Fixed: More bugs with trakt Fixed: Bug in emby notifier, setting apikey Updated: jQuery, now loaded from cdn Fixed: Saving history limit Updated: guessit to 0.11.0 commit 2516111ea7bf910df32d1b0c11a3e8e64490aaab More....